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Explore the 8 Best Ways to Promote Your App | Kurve

Written by Oren Greenberg | Jun 4, 2024 8:25:00 AM

App stores are bursting with brilliant ideas and concepts, fuelled by trends like the rise of AI and low-code app development. 

But with so much competition, how do you ensure your app gets noticed? 

In this guide, we'll break down the best, proven strategies into clear, actionable steps and explore the benefits of working with marketing experts. 

Whether you're a seasoned developer, a digital marketing whiz, or a first-time entrepreneur, this is for you.


Table Of Contents


App Promotion: The Three Stages

Effective app promotion can be broken down into three key stages: awareness, acquisition and retention. 

Each has its own set of goals and tactics.

1. Awareness

Awareness is creating a strong impression and building brand recognition for mobile apps. It's where you want to grab everyone's attention and generate excitement.

The awareness stage goes through a multi-channel approach. Here are some key tactics to consider:

  • Audience and target market research,
  • Pre-launch campaigns,
  • App Store Optimization,
  • Public relation,
  • Content marketing

These strategies can transform your app from a hidden gem into a highly anticipated addition to the mobile landscape.  This initial buzz will pave the way for the next stage: converting that interest into downloads.

2. Acquisition

This stage drives users to app stores and convinces them to click the "install" button. Your app promotion efforts focus on strategies that translate to user acquisition.

Here are some tactics to consider in the acquisition stage:

  • Optimizing app stores titles, descriptions and messaging,
  • Compelling visuals, such as high-quality app screenshots and icons,
  • Positive user reviews,
  • Targeted advertising campaigns,
  • Incentivizing downloads and engagement like discounts and in-app rewards.

These acquisition strategies will turn that initial buzz into a wave of new users downloading and engaging with your app. The next stage – retention – focuses on keeping those users happy and coming back for more.

3. Retention

The ultimate goal of any app is to cultivate a loyal user base. This is where the retention stage comes in. Here, your focus shifts from attracting new users to keeping existing ones engaged, satisfied, and returning for more.

Here are some key strategies to consider:

  • Prioritize user experience to be smooth, intuitive, and bug-free,
  • Embrace data-driven personalization by leveraging data analytics,
  • Deliver continuous value by regularly introducing new features, updates, and content,
  • Foster a community to build a sense of belonging and keep users invested.

This stage will transform your app from a one-time download into an indispensable part of your users' daily lives. 

8 Best Ways to Promote Your App

With so many marketing strategies to choose from, where do you even begin?

Let's explore eight powerful strategies to skyrocket your app's visibility and downloads.

1. Content Marketing Strategies

Content strategies vary from informative blog posts to engaging videos and bite-sized infographics, and each caters to diverse learning styles. 

Start with search engine optimization. Research relevant keywords your target audience uses and integrate them naturally within your content to get discovered. Through this content, you can start to capture leads with valuable downloads like ebooks or exclusive tutorials in exchange for email addresses. 

Finally, you can nurture these leads with personalized emails highlighting your app's benefits based on their interests. This builds trust and keeps your app top-of-mind for download.

2. Social Media Marketing

Your users can do a lot of your marketing for you through user-generated content.

We used this strategy with Bounty, an app for parents. We gave creators complete freedom and researched creators with or without experience with the app. This gave us insights into how to curate content in social media platforms that minimize cost and get better ROI.

Here are our favorite social media strategies; 

  • Craft compelling, shareable content that showcases your app's unique features and benefits,
  • Weave storytelling to connect emotionally with your app users,
  • Visuals are king — use explainer videos, infographics, and user testimonials to grab attention.

Consistent, valuable content attracts new users and cultivates a loyal app following. When you have this following, respond promptly to build a community and brand loyalty – it shows you care.

3. Influencer Collaborations

You can leverage micro-influencers for a more targeted audience, like we did with Sweatcoin, a fitness-centric app.

Focus on those with genuine connections and strong reputations within your niche. Look beyond follower count and prioritize influencers whose demographics and interests align perfectly with your app's ideal user. 

Once you've targeted the right influencers, you can craft personalized pitches highlighting how your app complements their style and audience.  It helps to offer early access, exclusive content, or revenue sharing to showcase value.

Leverage user-generated content like tutorials, reviews, or sponsored posts featuring the influencer's genuine experience. This builds trust and encourages their audience to download your app.

4. Paid Advertising Campaigns

Paid advertising is effective, if you target the right people. The first step is to define your goals. Is it to maximize installs, build brand awareness, or drive in-app actions? Segment your target audience with laser focus based on demographics, interests, and online behavior. This ensures your ads reach users most likely to convert.

Try experimenting with ad formats, placements, and targeting options based on data. For example, we worked with Beanstalk, an app for children’s financial security, in implementing social media campaigns through Apple Search Ads and TikTok Spark Ads. The result was a 66% reduction in Cost per Acquired Customer (CAC).

For more reach, allocate the budget strategically across platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads, considering each platform's strengths. Google Ads targets active app seekers, while Facebook Ads allows for broader audience targeting.

5. App Store Optimization

App Store Optimization (ASO) is about tweaking the details of your app to give it more exposure on App Stores. 

Some ASO strategies include;

  • Create a concise title incorporating your main keyword and reflecting your app's core function and value proposition,
  • Optimize your description with natural keyword integration, and don't forget metadata fields,
  • Use custom URLs,
  • Don’t be afraid to pause non-performing keywords,
  • Leverage ASO tools to unearth high-volume, low-competition keywords relevant to your target audience. 
Remember, ASO is a continuous process. Stay informed on the latest trends to ensure long-term app store success. 

6. Email Marketing

Email is still one of the best ways to reach your audience. You can grow your subscriber base by offering valuable lead magnets like exclusive downloads, early access features, or discount codes in exchange for email addresses. Promote opt-in forms across your website and social media to capture leads.

Once you have your list, streamline operations with CRM platforms and email marketing tools. These tools handle everything from segmentation to design, scheduling, and performance tracking.

When emailing your audience, tailor email content based on user segments, lifecycle stages (new, active, lapsed), and behavior triggers (abandoned cart, inactivity). You can also use email to welcome new users, engage active users and win back lapsed users. 

7. Website Optimization

Your website is often your first impression. It has to land with impact. Create a dedicated landing page focused on converting visitors into app downloads. Showcase your app's value with features, benefits, and compelling visuals like screenshots or explainer videos. You can promote user testimonials, app awards, and links to app review sites for authority.

It's important to optimize every element for conversions. Use clear headlines highlighting your value proposition and strong CTAs, prompting users to download, and ensure a seamless download process by linking directly to app stores and streamlining signup forms.

You also need traffic, so research keywords your target audience uses and integrate them naturally within your website content, meta descriptions, headers, and titles. You can also optimize for speed and mobile-friendliness to ensure a smooth user experience across devices.

8. Video Marketing

Videos can be created as user acquisition magnets as they capture and hold attention. There are many video formats to explore, like:

  • App Trailers: Short, high-energy videos highlighting core features and benefits.
  • Explainer Videos: Concise demos showing how your app works and solves user problems.
  • Testimonials: Feature real users sharing positive experiences to build trust and social proof.
  • Tutorials & How-To Videos: Step-by-step guides teach users key features and maximize app usage.

Use storytelling in these videos to connect emotionally with your audience. You can also highlight the problems your app solves and showcase how it improves their lives.

It's important to optimize your videos for different platforms. Shorter, vertical videos might work better for TikTok and Instagram Stories, while longer explainer videos could thrive on YouTube. 

Benefits of Working with an App Marketing Agency

A brilliant concept isn't enough anymore. You need a well-oiled marketing machine to propel your creation to success. 

Here's how partnering with an app marketing agency like Kurve can help your app's journey.

From the First Download to the Millionth

App marketing agencies assemble teams of specialists who have dedicated their careers to understanding the mobile app landscape. Their knowledge encompasses everything from app store optimization to user acquisition strategies, ensuring your app reaches the right audience and compels them to download.

App marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. Partnering with an agency allows you to adapt your approach as your app evolves. They can seamlessly transition from pre-launch strategies focused on building anticipation to post-launch campaigns centered on user acquisition and retention.

From Awareness to Retention

Agencies understand that app success hinges on downloads and user retention. They work hand-in-hand with developers to promote your app across all three crucial stages of the user journey:

  • Pre-Launch: Agencies can leverage public relations efforts and targeted social media campaigns to build anticipation for your app's arrival.
  • Launch: During launch, the focus shifts to driving downloads through strategic app store optimization and targeted advertising campaigns.
  • Post-Launch: The agency prioritizes user retention through engaging onboarding experiences, re-engagement strategies, and community-building initiatives.

Each user journey stage requires a nuanced understanding of the app market, your app's unique value proposition, and user behavior.  Agencies leverage data analytics tools to gather these critical insights. They can tailor campaigns to resonate with your target audience and keep users returning for more.

Dynamic App Marketing Strategy

Agencies possess an expansive knowledge of the entire app marketing ecosystem. They can help you optimize your app store listing for discoverability ASO, craft compelling ad campaigns, or partner with influential voices in your industry.

The app marketing landscape constantly evolves, with new trends and tactics emerging. Agencies stay ahead of the curve, giving you access to diverse strategies.

Promote Your App with Kurve

The app market is competitive, but your app can rise above the noise and thrive with the right strategies and guidance. 

Partnering with an experienced agency like Kurve gives your app marketing efforts a significant edge.

Contact us today to discuss how Kurve can propel your app towards success. You can also check out our blog page for more insights on app marketing.