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Premier TikTok Hashtag Strategy Guide for 2024 | Kurve

Written by Oren Greenberg | Jun 11, 2024 1:40:00 AM

TikTok has transformed the social media landscape. 

With its focus on short-form video content, the app has become the epitome of creativity and trends. And, with a potential ad reach of over 900 million users aged 18+, the platform has undeniable marketing potential.

However, that potential can get lost in the billions of videos on the platform. That’s why creators use hashtags. They categorize your content, allowing users with specific interests to find it. 

But how can we use hashtags effectively?

At Kurve, we know a thing or two about marketing on TikTok. We’ve compiled a TikTok hashtag strategy guide to help you use hashtags to your marketing advantage. 


Table Of Contents


What is a TikTok Hashtag?

We can say with confidence that you’ve seen a hashtag. A hashtag always starts with the # symbol as its universal signifier. It is followed by single words like #funny or #dance or descriptive phrases like #fyp (for you page) or #lifehacks. 


Hashtags are the lifeblood of TikTok trends and challenges. By including the challenge hashtag (e.g., #SilhouetteChallenge), you're inviting viewers to participate and contribute their own take. This fosters a sense of community and boosts your content's visibility. Big brands also use hashtags to spark user-generated content specific to their campaign.


Niche hashtags can be your secret weapon for reaching segmented audiences. Let's say you create a video about plant-based baking. Sure, a general hashtag like #baking might get you some views. However, a niche hashtag like #veganbaking targets a highly interested audience, increasing the likelihood of engagement.

Why Do People Use TikTok Hashtags?

Hashtags on TikTok can unlock a world of discovery, engagement and growth for creators and brands. Here’s why;

1. Discovering More Content

Imagine TikTok was a giant library filled with endless content. Hashtags are the filing system, categorizing everything by topic, trend, and interest. Creators who use relevant hashtags to label their videos make them more discoverable by users actively searching for that specific content. 

They allow your baking tutorial to be found by baking enthusiasts and your dance routine by trend hunters. By increasing discoverability, you expose your content to a whole new audience, expanding your reach beyond your existing followers.

2. Getting More Views with Trending Hashtags

Often, you might notice a sudden flood of dance videos, all using the same catchy song and specific moves. That's how trending TikTok hashtags work. These represent the hottest topics and challenges currently captivating the community. 

By incorporating trending hashtags into your videos, you're tapping into a wave of potential viewers actively participating in or exploring that trend. This strategic move amplifies your content's exposure, leading to more views, likes, shares, and comments.

3. Connecting and Playing Together

TikTok thrives on connection and interaction. Creators use branded hashtags to spark conversation and invite viewers to participate in challenges, contests, or themed campaigns. One example would be recipe recreations for a specific company's product. 

These interactive experiences fueled by hashtags foster a sense of community and shared experiences, strengthening the brand-consumer relationship.  Plus, the user-generated content generated through these campaigns adds a layer of authenticity and credibility to the brand itself.

4. Making Videos Easier to Understand

The words following the hashtag symbol hold more power than they look. They act as instant context clues, hinting at the theme, topic, or message conveyed in the video. This lets viewers grasp the video's purpose at a glance, saving them time and helping them curate their viewing experience. 

Think of it as a movie trailer — the hashtag is the tagline that hints at what's to come. Using hashtags creates clarity, which leads to higher engagement rates and increased viewership retention.

5. Seeing How Well Videos Do

Apart from being fun, TikTok is also for marketing strategy and growth. By monitoring the performance of specific hashtags in your videos, you gain valuable insights into audience engagement, reach, and the effectiveness of your hashtag strategy.  

This data allows you to;

  • Refine your approach,
  • Identify trending topics that resonate with your target audience,
  • Optimize your content for maximum impact.

It empowers you to make data-driven decisions that will lead to TikTok's content success and long-term audience growth.

TikTok Hashtag Strategy: Best Practices

You can’t just throw in 100 random hashtags and expect marketing results. Developing a TikTok hashtag strategy is a little more nuanced than that. 

Here's your guide to mastering the art of TikTok hashtags.

1. Limit Hashtags for Clarity and Impact

Focus on a targeted selection – no more than 10-15 hashtags. These selections should enhance your content and resonate with your target audience. Broad hashtags like #funny or #dance may cast a wider net and expose your video to a larger audience. However, these broad terms are competitive, and your video might get lost in a sea of similar content.

To stand out, incorporate niche hashtags. These more specific options, like #plantbasedrecipes or #booktok, target an engaged audience who are genuinely interested in your content and more likely to watch your video. Moreover, targeting a niche audience often earns more active engagement through likes, comments, and shares. 

2. Create Branded Hashtags for Campaigns

A branded hashtag must capture the essence of your campaign and spark conversation. These hashtags must also balance brand awareness and community-building.

Keep your branded hashtags unique, memorable, and relevant to your campaign theme. Research your target audience and seek insights on how to insert your brand into their recommendations.

Promote your branded hashtag everywhere—in your videos, captions, and promotional materials. The more you showcase it, the more likely viewers will use it and contribute to your community. 

Be active when engaging your audience. Like, comment on, and share content that uses your branded hashtag. Interaction like this strengthens the brand association and turns viewers into loyal fans who will invest in your campaign's success.

3. Research Hashtags Before Using Them

Use hashtag analytics tools and explore the wealth of information within TikTok's Discover tab. You can look for the top TikTok hashtags, popular hashtags related to your campaign, and trending topics that can fuel your content strategy. Think beyond the trending terms. Analyze the performance metrics of potential hashtags to understand their true value. 

Look at metrics like average views per post and engagement rate to gauge a hashtag's reach and engagement potential. The more research you do, the better you can tailor your hashtag selection to your specific content and target audience.

But don't just chase the latest trends. Incorporate a blend of trending, evergreen (hashtags that remain popular for a long period), and niche-specific hashtags. This diversified approach ensures your content gets maximum visibility while still attracting the right viewers genuinely interested in what you offer.

4. Monitor and Adjust Hashtags Based on Performance

Track key metrics like impressions, clicks, likes, shares, and comments to see which hashtags drive the most engagement and results for your content. This is how we developed a winning strategy for Beanstalk’s campaign on TikTok. Optimize high–performing hashtags to refine your strategy and learn how to keep using them.

Finally, experiment with new options to keep your content relevant and impactful. The TikTok hashtag landscape constantly evolves, so staying on top of trends and audience preferences is crucial.

5. Encourage User Interaction Through Hashtags

Craft engaging calls to action within your captions, prompting viewers to use your hashtag and actively participate. Ask questions about your video content, like "What are your favorite plant-based recipes?" if your video concerns vegan cooking.

You can invite viewers to participate in hashtag challenges using your branded hashtag. Challenge content is a great way to boost engagement and UGC. For example, if your brand sells athletic wear, you could create a dance challenge using your hashtag and encourage viewers to show off their moves in your clothes.

Engage with TikTok users who participate by liking, commenting, and sharing their content using your hashtag. It's all about fostering a sense of community and showing appreciation for your audience.

How to Find the Best Hashtags for Your Campaigns

Finding trending hashtags right for your campaign is a challenge. 

Don’t worry; here are four simple strategies to help you find the best hashtags.

1. Understand Your Audience and Goals

Understanding your target audience and your campaign objectives must be the first thing you should do. Ask yourself: 

  • Who are you trying to reach? 
  • What do you want to achieve with your TikTok campaign? 
  • Is it brand awareness, increased engagement, driving traffic to your website, or something else?

Once you have this information, tailor your hashtag selection to resonate with your ideal viewers and support your campaign goals.

Remember that using generic hashtags will not attract the audience you're looking for. Are you targeting Gen Z or millennial viewers? It may be a specific niche, like pet owners or fitness enthusiasts. Understand these demographics and align your tags with their interests, behaviors, and the language they use on the platform.

2. Use Hashtag Tools and Analytics

TikTok offers powerful tools and analytics for conducting hashtag research. Explore the app’s Discover Tab and get insights from trends, related keywords, and popular TikTok hashtags you can incorporate into your content strategy.

Moreover, use third-party social media management tools that offer in-depth hashtag analytics. You can also leverage a hashtag generator tool if necessary. These help you discover the right hashtags, analyze their performance metrics like reach and engagement, and even identify popular hashtags used by your competitors. 

3. Mix Popular Hashtags and Niche Ones

Popular hashtags, like #fyp (‘for you’ page) or #funny, can expose your content to a broader audience, increasing the chances of discovery. However, these hashtags are competitive, and your video might get lost in a sea of similar content.

That's where niche hashtags come in. Think of a niche hashtag like #plantbasedrecipes or #booktok. These more specific options target viewers who are genuinely interested in your content. Mixing them maximizes your reach and attracts viewers more likely to connect with your campaign.

4. Stay Relevant and Current

Monitor trending topics and hashtags relevant to your industry, audience demographics, and campaign themes. Look for current events you can comment on creatively.  

Incorporating timely and relevant hashtags allows you to capitalize on trending conversations and discussions, increasing your visibility among users actively engaging with that content.

Empower Your TikTok Hashtag Strategy with Kurve

The key to an effective TikTok hashtag strategy is understanding your audience, leveraging data and analytics, and staying on top of trends.

Don't cram as many hashtags as possible. Instead, experiment with different tags, track their performance and refine your approach based on the results. And don't forget to be creative!

Let us know how Kurve can help you with your TikTok hashtag strategy.

You can also check out our blog page for more insights on social media marketing.